The cart race of Charmey

In Charmey, the cart race is one of the highlights of the Bénichon, celebrated every second weekend in October. Both sporting and humorous, it is above all a popular spectacle. The event is not new; it was first organised by the La Concorde youth society in 1972 with the aim of revitalising the Charmey Bénichon. The gamble paid off: today, around 10,000 people from the region come to Charmey over the weekend.
The race comprises two rounds: the first takes place on the Saturday evening before the ball, and the second on the Sunday afternoon. Each team of 5 people decorates a cart lent by the youth society. Some teams dress up and enter the humorous category, while others enter the competitive category. While the creativity of the cart and the disguises will be rewarded in the humour category, it is the speed of the runners that will be rewarded in the competition category. One person per team remains on the cart pushed by the other 4, for the duration of the 8 loops around the Village d'en-haut (6 laps for women's teams).
In the past, these wooden carts were used by farmers to transport hay on sloping land. They can be recognised by their two large rear wheels and two front sledges topped with handles (potzons). Today, the youth association owns around forty of these potzon sledges, which it maintains with great care. Some have had to be replaced; La Concorde has entrusted this work to craftsmen (wheelwright, blacksmith) from Château-d'OEx.