Old cure of Crésuz


Adjacent to the church, the former vicarage is one of the oldest dated houses in the canton of Fribourg. Built in 1547 with alterations at the beginning of the 19th century, it has a bevelled arched doorway, a masonry ground floor, a wooden first floor and a four-sloped roof with a coyote fold (the lower part is less steep). The only building to survive the fire of 1667, which destroyed the village and its church, it was converted into a school from 1798 to 1917.

Crésuz et la vallée de la Jogne, (Charles Morel, avant 1924), Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds de cartes postales, CAPO
Detail of the former vicarage building with the arched doorway

In collaboration with the commune of Crésuz