The Arses house

Chalet des Arses (Charmey), (Charles Morel, avant 1907), Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Collection de cartes postales, CAPO


Also known as the Grand Chalet, the Maison des Arses boasts a majestic wooden facade supported by two side walls. The imposing building - a double house - was probably built in 1717 on the site of an earlier residence. The monogram P.R. is that of the master carpenter who built it. This double dwelling has a gable roof with a coyote fold (broken roof slope), cut into a gable arch (bôgo), with the eaves above an openwork gallery. A front staircase leads up to the two magnificent twin entrance doors with iron fittings on the raised ground floor.

The Maison des Arses is listed as one of the canton's remarkable buildings in the Album de fête of the 1901 General Assembly of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. It is presented as a reminder of the pre-Alpine types of Simmental and Pays d'Enhaut. Of particular note were "the wrought iron door knockers of perfect taste, the graceful dentil cornice with wide decorative frieze crowning the ground floor windows, the upstairs window casings in the form of highly original arches, the lower balcony...".

The Maison des Arses belonged to the Niquille family, who lived in the hamlet, according to 18th-century plans. Among them was Jean Niquille, known as Le Jacobin. This anticlerical, mercenary in the service of the King of France and fierce opponent of the Fribourg patriciate was the son of François Pierre. In 1756, the latter was the undivided owner of three of the houses in Arses. François Pierre Niquille, an authentic cheese baron who grew rich trading in Gruyère cheese in Lyon, was the great-uncle of Marie-Thérèse Villermaulaz (1751-1816), the third and last wife of the French writer Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais.

Les Arses (Charmey), (Charles Morel, avant 1906), Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Collection de cartes postales, CAPO

In collaboration with the municipality of Val-de-Charmey