The Governor's house

Maison à Bellegarde (Jaun), (Charles Morel, 1937) Musée gruérien Bulle


Jaun was a bailiwick of Fribourg from 1503 to 1798. During this time, a total of 72 bailiffs were responsible for its administration.

The long journey and presumably also the independence of the mountain population were reasons why the bailiffs were rarely present here. A governor was therefore elected for the administration. This governor came from an influential Jaun family and was elected by the locals for life. The last governor and then 1st Ammann of Jaun was Josef Buchs (1747-1817).

This stately house was duly built for the governor.

The tiled stove is still preserved today in the drawing room of Building I. Each stove tile is hand-painted with a hunting theme.

                       Mid 18th century ?                           still in the 18th century ?        in the 19th century
Jean-Pierre ANDEREGG, Die Bauernhäuser des Kantons Freiburg, Bd. 2, 1979

In collaboration with the municipality of Jaun