Former Chalet Pension

Pension du Chalet et rue, à Charmey (Charles Morel, 1912), Musée gruérien Bulle


Located in the Village d'Enhaut, the former Chalet Guest House, whose main façade was rebuilt identically in 2022, was built on top of an early 19th century clapboard structure. It does not appear on the plans of 1756, but can be seen on the first photograph of the village taken in 1895.

Its construction followed the inauguration of the Bulle - Boltigen road and viaduct in 1881, with the replacement of an old 70 m single-span wooden covered bridge 30 m from the Javro torrent, just before the village, by a 160 m metal bridge 60 m above the ground. Charmey is now within reach of stagecoaches and therefore tourists.

The raised ground floor of the former Pension du Chalet was modified several times in the 20th century to create a winter garden on the main façade, topped by a balcony spanning the entire width of the building. A second gallery was sheltered by the large barrel-shaped front gable, typical of the large wooden houses built in the Charmes region.

In 1907, Charmey had 3 guesthouses (LeSapin, Le Chalet - run by Louise Brunisholz - and Le maréchal), 6 inns (L'Étoile, Le Sapin, Le maréchal, La Grappe, Le Chêne, Les XIX Cantons), 4 bakeries, 12 grocery and haberdashery shops... for 1,250 inhabitants.

Charmey, Pension Le Chalet (vers 1950), Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Collection de cartes postales, CAPO
Charmey, pont du Javroz (Charles Morel, 1904), Musée gruérien Bulle

In collaboration with the municipality of Val-de-Charmey