The ranz des vaches

Le Ranz des vaches, Charles Morel, avant 1919, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Collection de cartes postales, CAPO


Lyôba, lyô-ô-ba... Chanted at the right moment, these few syllables will unite everyone. The Ranz des vaches harmonised by Abbé Bovet is one of the most popular songs, even beyond Switzerland's borders. A shepherd's hymn descended from oral tradition, it is impossible to date its origins, but the first written records date back to the 16th century. Existing in several regions of Switzerland in other forms, these songs were probably originally intended to call the cattle for milking or to calm the animals.

During the 19th century, the myths that accompanied the birth of the federal state elevated the Ranz des vaches to the status of a quasi-national anthem, the mountain environment being considered the cradle of the Swiss nation. The Ranz des vaches de la Gruyère was included in all the major popular festivals, including the Fête des Vignerons in Vevey from 1819 onwards, and soon became the highlight of the celebrations.

This modest melody also inspired many composers, such as Beethoven, Liszt and Wagner, who were eager to evoke the world of pastoral music. Since the 17th century, it has even been said to have the power to make Swiss soldiers abroad desert, striking them with melancholy. The magic of the Ranz des vaches continues to this day!

It is here, a little upstream from the Pont du Roc chapel, that the Ranz des vaches recounts the episode of the herd blocked by a flood at a place called les Basses-eaux (Bachè j'Ivouè), at the confluence of the Jogne and the Riau du Gros Mont from where the herd was descending. After providing the parish priest with some full-fat cheese and promising to come back and find him, the herdsmen were finally allowed to pass.

Lè j’armayi di Kolonbètè

Dè bon matin chè chon lèvâ.

Kan chon vinyê i Bachè j’Ivouè

Tsankro lo mè! n’an pu pachâ.

The herdsmen of Les Colombettes

got up early in the morning.

When they arrived at Basses-Eaux

The canker is eating me! They couldn't get through.

Charmey – Chapelle du Pont du Roc, Charles Morel, avant 1909 Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg, Fonds Collection de cartes postales, CAPO